Jumat, 04 November 2011

Random Facts! :D

100 random facts about meh(:

1.     . My nick name is janey. Wanna know my real name? Sst...its secret! :P

2.     . Okay dokay, i was born on april 24th 1995, im fifteen J, but i turn to seventeen this year L, i was born on Monday, idk why, but i really hate Monday :L, and yeah, i was born in pekanbaru, indonesia, asian :D

3.     . I got tan skin (i mean exotic skin, lmao :D), + wavy hair + black hair + black eyes + big eyes + not really pointed nose + indonesian blood, bahaha :P

4.     . My height just 160 cm (OMD! Its really short, believe me guys! :O) and my height just 47 kilograms (O.o, am i really fat? Hell no XD)

5.      .I have one older brother, he is 18 y.o, named josh and 1 younger sister, she is 11 y.o, named helga, and hell yeah, im the 2nd child in my fam ._.

6.      .Sometimes (i mean OFTEN) i get fight with my sista, cause she’s so annoying :L, she often borrows my dress, my clothes, and several my stuffs without my permission x(

7.      .I love to make my own stuff J, like bracelet and so many else :D

8.      .When i meet the boy, the 1st thing that i see from him is his eyebrow XDXDXD *im freakin thick eyebrow xD*

9.    .  I have a big promise with someone for 3 years later J, and im trying to keep it :’)

10.  I hate math, physics, and chemistry. I mean all of subjects that have counting, number, or anything like that, i really hate it! :@

11.  There are so many my friends in facebook, especially the boy, who called me “lil sist” O.O, guys, am i really like a kiddy? :L

12.  Facebook is my 2nd soul *haha bullshit :P*

13.  My friends told me that i really like-an-adult for them (?), no guys! Im freakin childish XDXD, u just dont know it ;D

14.  I have so many fuckin diseases, i have something’s wrong with my stomach, i have an allergic in my body if the cold season comes D’;

15.  I love to play with merry-go-round :’) <3, ferris wheel :D, and especially the swing :’’) <3<3

16.  I freakin love pink! XD, i have so many pinky stuffs and pinky clothes J and also my bedroom :D, but i still love white too x)

17.  I really like to have so many brotha!! XDXDXD and kthankiess for all of yeww for being my facebook brotha guys, love u :) <3

18.  I never get the chocolate in valentine’s day until now :’)

19.  I seldom to cry, especially in front of my friends, i never cry in front of them XDXD

20.  If i feel sad, mad, or cry to someone, i just go to the fields and screaming there :L
21.  I always be the “dustbin” for my friend’s problems, dont worry guys, hahaha :’D

22.  K, i hate math cause when i was child my brotha told me that math is so fuckin hard :L, and i believed it L, so i hate math ‘til now D;

23.  Im not the smart girl, even though i often get 3rd, 4th, or 5th best in my class

24.  I always thought that the Jeep car is a kidnapped car for child x(

25.  I always think that the clown is a bad people, so i really hate and scare about it D;

26.  I cant draw the best and beautiful picture, especially the human, haha -.-“

27.  The best “kidnapped” i ever had when it was december 19th 2010 :’)

28.  Sometimes i wanna back to december, when christmasses come :’)

29.  I love autumn more than spring, i love winter more than summer ;D

30.  I love to see maple trees in autumn and snowy in winter :)

31.  I never celebrate my birthday with the party :L

32.  I dont understand with arabian alphabet and arabian languange -__-

33.  Now im fallin’ in love with One Direction!  XD

34.  I want if someone gives his shoulder when i cry and hold me in his arms :’), i’ll feel better :’’)

35.  I love when the boy carries me in his shoulder and take me to around the park :)
36.  I prefer facebook than twitter (twitter is so fuckin’ hard, i never understand with it -.-“

37.  I wanna go out from my city as soon as possible cause i have a lot of problems here :’(

38.  I wanna continue my study to the abroad, someone takes me to go out!! :O

39.  I think the best place to stay is in new york, USA :D

40.  I dream that someday i can around the world!

41.  i hate cheating boy, liar boy, and bullshit boy! (ahaha, god bless u guys! :@)

42.  i cant play all of music instrument, but now im trying to learn guitar xD

43.  i like taylor swift’s songs and korean songs J)

44.  i like to reading so many novels and writing so many novels too! :D

45.  run is “the best” thing that i hate the most!

46.  I hate sport a whole my life :L

47.  My 1st love when i was age 10! :O

48.  I never talk to my ex since we broke our relationship..it means..uhm..5 years! D:

49.  Imma the good listener :)

50.  I believe santa claus until now xD, i often wear santa claus hat even though its not x-mas day :P

51.  Im christian J, and i go to church every Sunday to pray there :)

52.  I love to write a letter to God :’)

53.  I love someone in facebook! xD (OMD, guess who? Haha :P)

54.  I wanna meet all of my facebook friends in real life, especially my brothas and my fest briend! :DD

55.  I hate fussy ppl :O

56.  Sometimes i hate and love my school :L

57.  I hate it, if you dont appreciate my cares and attention :’O

58.  I use english in facebook and really seldom to speak indonesian there, except with my fam and my school friends

59.  My mom is an english teacher in my school :D, hahaha XDXD, and she can speak germany well :P

60.  My sista and my brotha look like my mom, they have white skin + straight hair, but i look like my dad, got tan skin and wavy hair.

61.  When i was child, i got white skin :O *its real!* but idk why, suddenly i have tan skin when imma teenager (?)

62.  Im lazy to get up in the morning -.-“

63.  I like to watching basketball competition :3

64.  I always wear my 3 bracelets, i made that by myself! :D

65.  Imma runaway :’)

66.  The most animal that i hate is FROGGY!

67.  I was stupid, really really stupid with english when i was in junior high school ._.

68.  I never go to abroad, hope this year i can go to singapore and shopping there :]

69.  Im lazy to studying in home, cause in my opinion, studying just in school, not in home :P

70.  I cant swim and cook -.-“

71.  I scare to die, i scare if i go to hell! :O

72.  I love to hear guitar, piano, and violin sounds

73.  Taylor swift is my inspiration, i wanna learn about guitar cause i ever heard her song, the title is “white christmas”, so i wanna sing it with my own guitar XDXD

74.  Im easy to laugh and easy to forget something :O

75.  My eyes are still healthy until now :], i never wear eyeglasses.

76.  My heart isnt a toy, so dont play with it!

77.  I really dont understand with the adult until now -____-

78.  Listening to music is one of hundred my hobbies :D

79.  I love to have so many friends here :)

80.  I scare to gay and crazy person :L

81.  I still watching cartoon movies until now, especially spongebob, barbie, and disney princess :3

82.  Im easy to cry if im listening a sad song :’(

83.  Because something’s wrong, i never talk to my sista (well..she’s not really my sista) until now :’(

84.  Idk why, but i really love austin name à for the boy and crystal à for the girl.

85.  My fav dolls are teddy bear and Tinkerbell <3<3

86.  I love lollipop :3, yummy <3

87.  I hate if peoples screamo! Aaaa!! :O

88.  I always change my ambitions, when i was child, i wanna be a doctor, astronout, artist, novelist, journalist, accountant, executive girl, psychiatrist, and the last i wanna be a diplomat :D

89.  I dont want if im crying in front of my friends, my parents, or any else, just someone who knows that im crying :’)

90.  Even though i really hate school, but i dont wanna drop out from my school, because im scary to be a stupid person! :O

91.  New zealand, swiss, and north europe are the best places for get refreshing for me (bahahaaa,,i never gone to there ._.)

92.  My classmates are so funny, crazy, and cool!! XDXD, hahahaha, love u guys :’D

93.  My class when i was in junior high school until now à class 7.7, class 8.7, class 9.7, and now class 10.7 *unique :D*

94.  My class now, IX Science 1, called Ascon ._.

95.  Now im trying to write some novels.

96.  NIXIE and Katyfaney :’)

97.  Im asian and i proud of it :D

98.  My besties in school :

Primary school à citra, deasy, and fitra J
Elementary school à citra, deasy, fitra, rita, and widya J
Junior high school à citra, putry, lowise, silka, anggi, amy, vivien, ikha, and P.A J
Senior high school à citra, silka, tyan, fhana, lowise, putry, vivien, ikha, amy, anggi J, and many more! *i can’t mention it all one by one*

99.  My besties, sistas and brothas in facebook:

Besties à all of yeww J
Sistas à tiffany, kak marry, jill, stella, crystal, violla and yeah, im forget, sowwy :L
Brothas à dean, harold, drew, andrian, steph, justin, and so many more! :D

10   .I always believe that im gonna find someone someday who will actually treat me well :’)

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